The Pixel Stick

So we recently picked up Bitbanger Lab's Pixelstick and finally had a chance to play with it. It's a pretty sweet tool in which you get to input your own graphics and draw them into your long-exposure photographs. Out of the box, the pixelstick sets up pretty quickly and within your first exposure, you're probably making some magic! We recommend checking out Total Training's youtube video on how they use it. 

At a price of about $300 USD, this tool is quite a bit of fun for the light photography enthusiast! It will definitely help you take your work to the next level. To check out some of the epic work and inspiration done with this, check out the PXLSTK group pool on flickr and also Bitbanger lab's vimeo staff picked video.

We'll be looking to use this fairly extensively over the next month or two, so stay tuned for more awesomeness. For now, here are some previews.